Date, time & venue
2018-12-05;8:00 am (registration) for 9:00 am to 6:00 pm;Jockey Club Auditorium, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hunghom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
(Supported by Structural Division)
Programme Highlight
This one-day seminar will be the keynote presentations of 9th the international conference on Advances in Steel Structures, with the first, second, third and sixth of the conferences series were held in Hong Kong, fourth in Shanghai, fifth in Singapore, seventh in Nanjing and eighth in Portugal. As with the eight previous successful conferences, this conference is intended to provide a forum for researchers and professionals to discuss and disseminate recent advances in analysis, behavior, design and construction of steel, aluminum and composite steel-concrete structures.
In the one-day seminar, we will have 11 keynote lectures by world leading researchers with topics as follows. This seminar day will certainly give us a golden opportunity to share experience with leading international researchers in their specialist areas.
1. Opportunities for metal 3D printing in structural engineering
2. Designing composite structures for reuse
3. Progressive collapse resistance of steel frame buildings under extreme events
4. Innovation in prefabricated prefinished volumetric construction
5. Advances in steel-concrete composite structures
6. Full-range behavior of semi-rigid steel connections
7. Designing steel structures with 3D connections
8. Experiment and prediction of electro-slag weld fractures in seismic steel beam-to-box column moment connections
9. Advances in steel-concrete composite structures
10. Cast iron deck slab for highway bridge
11. Modeling systems of unsymmetrical members as doubly symmetric – how much does it matter?
Official Language
English will be the official language medium of the seminar.
Registration fees
Regular Registration: HK$ 1,000 each for HKISC; HK$1,100 each for HKIA/HKIE/HKIS Members; HK$ 1,200 each for non HKISC/HKIA/HKIE/HKIS Members.
Please send the completed registration form with registration fee to Mr. Tommy Li, HKISC c/o ZN912, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon by 15 November 2018 (Fax No.: 852-2334 6389). You can download this form on HKISC web ( or request through emailing to: