The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers – Structural Division would like to invite entries of outstanding structures and researches for participation in the Structural Excellence Award 2025.
The Structural Excellence Award aims at promoting excellence in structural engineering through design and construction of buildings / infrastructures and research and application.
Award categories include Grand Award, Commendation Award and Finalist. Grand Award will be presented to the most distinguished project(s) and R&D as follows:
I. Project Award
Hong Kong projects with the following four sub-categories:
- Residential
- Non-Residential
- Heritage & Special Structure
- Infrastructures and Footbridges
and Mainland (including Macau & Taiwan) / Overseas project(s).
II. R&D Award
Research paper shall be related to the application of structural engineering in buildings / infrastructures. There is no sub-category under R&D Award.
There is no upper limit of awardees, prize will be given to outstanding projects.
Project Award – Hong Kong Projects (with four sub-categories)
1. At least one key member of the project team must be a member of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers.
2. Nominated projects must be within the territorial boundary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and must possess an Occupation Permit or Completion Certificate (if government projects) issued on or between 1 January 2023 and 31 December 2024.
Project Award – Mainland (including Macau & Taiwan) / Overseas Projects
1. At least one key member of the project team must be a member of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers.
2. Nominated projects must be outside the territorial boundary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and must be led by Hong Kong based structural engineering firms. The project’s conceptual design must be done by structural engineering firm with headquarters or regional headquarters in Hong Kong.
3. Nominated projects must have been practically completed on or between 1 January 2023 and 31 December 2024.
R&D Award
1. The applicant must be a member of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers.
2. Nominated research paper must be written in English.
3. Nominated research paper must be issued in authoritative journal(s) on or between 1 January 2023 and 31 December 2024.
4. Each applicant can submit more than one application.
The Jury Panel will determine the award winners, taking into consideration the following criteria:
For Project Award
- Aesthetics
- Engineering Approach
- Integration (i.e. Structural Design Integrated with Design of Other Disciplines)
- Economy
- Innovation and creativity
- Safety
- Buildability & Constructability
- Fire Engineering
- Unusual Features
- Energy Efficiency
- Environmental, Social & Governance
- Sustainability & Low Carbon
- Serviceability
For R&D Award
- Innovation / Originality
- Engineering Application
- Future Impact
- Theoretical Background
1. Payment cheque with nomination fee made payable to “The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers – Structural Division”; and
For Project Award,
2. Copy of Occupation Permit, copy of Completion Certificate or copy of acknowledgement of practical completion, as appropriate.
3. 10 hard copies of competition materials including text and supporting materials, in English and bound into A3-sized [420mm (W) x 297mm (H)] booklets (a maximum of 5 pages, not including cover page).
Guidelines on competition materials are:
(a) Name and full postal address of the nominated project;
(b) Names of the structural engineering firm, client, architect and contractor;
(c) Authorization letter from client or owner of the nominated project;
(d) Synopsis in not more than 500 words composing:
I. an executive summary outlines the function and merits of the project;
II. an introduction provides the design concept and approach; and
II. a brief on unusual features, e.g. innovation and creativity, sustainability, functionality and buildability etc.
4. 2 CD-ROMs/USBs containing above nomination materials.
For R&D Award,
1. Copy of the acknowledgement of the publication date of the research paper
2. 10 hard copies of research paper which is written in English
3. 10 hard copies of Curriculum Vitae
4. 10 hard copies of competition materials including text and supporting materials, in English
Guidelines on competition materials are:
(a) Name, title, organization and full postal address of the applicant;
(b) Synopsis in not more than 500 words composing:
(I) Paper Abstract; and
(II) A brief on unusual features, e.g. innovation, engineering application, originality, sustainability, etc.
5. 2 CD-ROMs/USBs containing above nomination materials.
1. Organizing Committee of the Structural Excellence Award 2025 reserves the ultimate right to make final decision on the eligibility of all entries.
2. Decision of the Jury Panel is final.
3. Project teams of all short-listed entries are required to submit a presentation PowerPoint (maximum 10 slides) and conduct a presentation to the Jury Panel.
1. Nomination fee in the sum of HK$2,200 for Project Award and HK$1,100 for R&D Award.
2. Nomination fee will be refunded to nomination that is not eligible for entry.
For Project Award, promotion fee in the sum of HK$32,000 for each Grand Award, HK$16,000 for each Commendation Merit Award and HK$5,300 for each Finalist will be collected on top of the nomination fee for promotion and trophy production.
Promotional fee is not applicable to the R&D Award winners.
Nomination Form (click below to get the form) :
Entry’s nomination documents must be submitted by 7 Feburary 2025 (Friday) to the following address:
Event Secretariat for Structural Excellence Award 2025 (Ming Focus Limited)
Room 1411, 14/F, CC Wu Building,
302-308 Hennessy Road,
Wanchai, Hong Kong
Attention: Ms. Sandy YEUNG
14 October 2024 (Monday) | Open for Nomination |
7 February 2025 (Friday) | Deadline for Nomination and Required Documents Submission |
22 February 2025 (Saturday) | Short-listed Entries’ Presentation to Jury Panel Members |
25 April 2025 (Friday) | Result Announcement at AGM of HKIE Structural Division |
Further details are available at the website
For enquiries, please feel free to contact our event secretariat at
Ms. Sandy YEUNG
Ming Focus Limited
Tel: (852) 3101 9108
Fax: (852) 3101 9806